Saturday, August 26, 2006

Loving Portland, for the most part.

I just read a blog about how Portland, Oregon "sucks". I am sorry to say I wasted way too much time reading this bitterness and the hateful comments. I am not a native to this area, nor am I a "hipster" so I feel I can make some neutral observations.

To sum up the rants:
Weather sucks: Oh yes. Except during the summer when it is not too hot...oh cancel that, with global warming we have had multiple 100+ days this summer. If a lot of rain really depresses you, think about it. I have lived in the Seattle area prior to moving here and have lived about 18 years in the Pacific NW- you don't ever really grow to love the rain. Trust me. It does make everything look beautiful here.

Driving/Traffic sucks: The driving here will make any aggressive, speed-loving person crazy here. I think the Europeans must just think we are insane. I am not a left-lane hogger, etc but I would take the weird slow traffic over the crazy big city traffic anyday.

Recreation sucks: Some kind of complaint about how you have to drive outside the city to climb big rocks, mountain bike riding. Hmmm, that is just stupid. Sorry, it is not right down the street. You could live right near Smith Rock, but believe me, you'd complain about the lack of restaurants or something else. We drive to the beach very regularly and find a nice 1.5 hour drive not to be too bad.

Okay, I'm even boring myself now...
Govt/Taxes: I'm very liberal, so I can't be unbiased about this. If you don't like the politics, there are many areas of this country and State where you can be ensconced in your own ilk. I'm sure I would be uncomfortable in many conservative areas. I have a small business but can't really speak to all these issues.

People suck: The writer specifically named native Oregonians. First of all, do native Washingtonians, Californians or any others who have experienced the phenomonal changes and growth that so many newcomers have brought to their State not have some complaints? Hey, this was place was beautiful before we "discovered" it. I felt like this happened in Seattle too, the original flavor went away with an influx of out-of-town "hipsters" and all the money. I feel like I was part of doing to Portland what others did Seattle- driving up housing costs. But, I felt my personality was already suited to the NW so that part was no adjustment.

Regarding hipsters- Portland is great for married people, couples, and families. I don't think it is the best single's spot, doesn't seem to be a lot of nightlife, not that I'd know. If you want that, this is not really the place. I thought that guy's criticism seemed like he was unhappy by not being acknowledged as being cool. Or people thinking they were cool, but since he had superior experience, he knew they weren't. I just avoid the Pearl and NW 23rd and generally keep my annoyance level low.

We moved here for it's slower pace of life. Driving downtown and actually finding a parking place- on the street! Being able to afford a house. Simple pleasures. Those moving here wanting to lead the coolest, hip lifestyle, will probably feel misled. Oh well, there are larger cities, you are welcome to leave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a total source of motivation for me to make my "Oregon Transplant" idea a real thing ;)

8:44 PM  

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