Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Weekend at the beach- and doggie ringers!

We had a fun weekend in Cannon Beach. It was Sandcastle Weekend. I decided to dress Shayna in the pink princess doggie ringer tee. Now, I am being modest here, I was amazed at all the comments she got wearing that tee. I kept hearing comments about the pink shirt, princess... If you want your dog to get a lot of attention-even more than usual- just dress them up. I could say it was the ringer, and maybe it was, or maybe it was just a dog wearing a shirt.
Shayna was looking good.

Anyway, the weather was not really THAT warm mostly because of the wind, but of course there were a few people in bikinis strolling along like it was Hawaii. I just don't get it, and find it endlessly amusing to see the older people bundled up in their coats and hats while the younger ones are practically naked.

The kids flew kites for the first time. Luckily they did not blow away, weighing only 25 and 34 pounds each. Wow, it's been a long time since I saw that number.

If anyone is interested in the new doggie shirts, there aren't very many but we have them in both Medium and Large sizes. Medium will really only fit puppies and smaller pugs. For now, they will only be available at my etsy store. http://shaynashirts.etsy.com


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