Friday, June 30, 2006


I haven't been writing much as I have had to really concentrate on my design business. Luckily it is busy. I feel like I'm at a turning point with my design firm. I could grow bigger, get employees, etc. or try to move it more into a specialized niche.
I really don't see growing it, just because I don't want to. I'm not a manager type. I don't really have a "vision" for my company. It is just what I do, and a lot of people like it and are willing to pay.

So, if I specialize- what industry? Wine and food makes sense since I already have a lot of clients in that area and I enjoy it. But I love my real estate client. And there is a potential new client that is more in the financial area who I would not be able to take. I think there is more money in other sectors.

I would love to get my business more streamlined so I can go back to focusing on shirts. I plan to do stationery. I think that would be really fun and I can do different breeds.

I am fairly amused by the amount of people who find this blog by googling "say no to pugs" or "I hate pugs". Oops, that probably will get me even more hits. I wish more people typed "cute pug tees".

Okay, well for friends and family: kids and I are off to the beach for a few days. J is stuck doing house repairs. And taking care of our diabetic cat. He has nearly died 3 times recently.

I don't think I've had a good night sleep in at least 3 days. The neighbor's dog barks all night. Then I wake up at 4:30am and can't go back to sleep. Kids don't go to bed until 11pm! It has been rough, and I have to get it sorted out since starting next week kids have to be out the door by 7:45am (roughly the time they wake up now).
Happy Fourth of July weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a big step to choose to grow your business. I'm a contract web developer and while that pays the bills just fine, I am always on the verge of growing. However, I'm like you...don't really care to manage other people. Plus, there's my jewelry business as well and that needs attention too.'s always a personal choice...

8:10 AM  

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