Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Say Bone Blog is up

Say Bone Blog

I will probably post occassionaly here about personal stuff, but pug and business posts will be here.
Say Bone blog features guests such as the pug-hating husband, and Shayna herself. OK, I have to type it for her, but she dictates.

My mom is back from her long trip to NY. She is cleaning the house and doing laundry while we work. How great is that? Yes, she is the best. Not to make anyone jealous, but she will be making dinner and babysitting this evening.

She is nice like that, but also trying to pay us back for pug-sitting for 2 weeks. It wasn't too bad, if only Shayna were housebroken it would have been super easy. She is 6 years old so I am guessing the "housebreaking" is over.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Coming soon-long sleeve shirts!

I have had requests for these from time to time. Now that Fall is here and I am printing more pugly shirts since we are almost out of stock- I am trying the long sleeve sheer jersey shirts from American Apparel. These are really nice shirts, look for them later this month!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Could this be just a coincidence? ref=pd_sbs_a_3/104-3077920-0219143?ie=UTF8

I should not presume that Paul Frank actually deigned to copy me. It just is unreal that he is selling this design that is so close to mine with the same words and the same color shirt. His only seems to come in S and XS, maybe they sold out on the larger sizes. I guess I will take it as a compliment and a good sign if my pugly shirt did inspire one of his designers.
I guess.

I have had the pugly shirt design with my copyright for quite awhile, I wonder when his came out...
I am obviously the pug t-shirt designer, while he is more of a monkey guy. Back off, or I will do a monkey shirt next...I'm watching you Paul. (you just know he's scared now)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


We just returned from Bellingham, well at least 3/4 of the family did. It was so great spending the weekend with college friends. They are so much fun and have 2 adorable children who are so well-behaved and sweet, that sometimes I feel like I need to leave mine with them for awhile to get re-programmed. Just kidding, I love mine like crazy- whininess and all.

There was an event which I hope will be humorous in the future. We were all packed up ready to leave Monday morning and spend time with my sister in Seattle, when we realized our car key was missing. Since I was most certainly the last one that used the car, I was responsible. We searched our luggage and friend's small home with a fine-toothed comb, even going through the garbage. I looked in places that were pretty much unreachable unless a small child had decided to hide the missing key. I personally would have been quite embarassed to have my friends paw through my couch cushions, move furniture and even go through my purse! Luckily my friends are cool enough to realize they were dealing with a crazy person. And they are better house keepers than I am.
We had gone on a long bike ride, so we retraced that route looking in vain, while I imagined some middle-aged boys chancing upon it and throwing it from the overpass, or a younger kid taking it home, or even a car parking in the spot where it fell from the day before, obscuring it.

I tried to relax and enjoy the extra day we spent there. Every once in a while, my acceptance of it being lost was replaced by determination- I WILL FIND IT! And I would go back to peering through cracks in their deck and wandering around the backyard. Since it was Labor Day weekend the VW dealership was closed, the locksmith we called was willing to come out for a holiday rate, but told us that most likely the car would need to be towed to the dealership in order to get the key made. An important detail about this key, is that it is not a normal key. It is a transponder, or remote key. You use it for "keyless entry". Whatever! Those things cost $200-$300 to replace!

First thing Tuesday morning, j called the dealership. They confirmed we would need to tow the vehicle there, and then they would reprogram it or something and needed somethign from the main VW dealership which would take 24-48 hours!!!
Now, J had not been upset about this whole thing. Really surprising since I would have been a bit ticked off if it had been his fault. He was being way too nice about it and taking it so well, I think since he now knows I can never complain about him losing anything ever again! (He loses things a lot). Okay, we're even.

We briefly discussed all the options. C had already missed her first day back at school. My work phone was locked in the car along with our carseats and double stroller. We could ask our wonderful neighbor to get our last key to the car- a valet key. But then what? Ask her to take it to Greyhound station downtown and ship it to us? Fed Ex it to us? It seemed a little onerous.
So, we took a different tact. We rented a car and drove home to retrieve the key borrowing our friend's two carseats and ensuring that we imposed upon them yet again.

Even though we left by 10am, we hit lots of traffic and had to take some breaks due to whining and potty emergencies so we didn't get home until 4pm. J turned right around and drove back. Luckily my mom was here and helped with the kids so I could get lunches made, check email, unpack suitcases and....guess what I found in our suitcase?

I called J at 9pm just as he arrived back in Bellingham. I wasn't sure I should tell him until he returned since the information could do no good now, and I imagined the long drive home with that knowledge would just make the drive that much more annoying. My friend however told me he was trying to figure out how we would get the stroller out of the trunk in the future since the valet key does not open it. He took it in good stride and even laughed.
I am feeling like he is a very good man for not wanting to throttle me, (although I actually think the key was in his jogging shorts) and for making a 15 hour drive so that I could get my work done and the kids could get home. I also feel like I am going to owe him BIG TIME for this. He never freaked out, what is wrong with him?? (-:

I will try not to let the big key fiasco obliterate the fun times on that trip- eating, drinking, sheetrocking (J not me), kids playing together, girl spa time and my introduction to (Nefarious) D. can't remeber the name, Jack Black thing.
Let this be a lesson to you all, never buy a car with a non-standard key, or...when you travel take two keys in case you lose one, or just stay home. You can pick.

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