Saturday, July 29, 2006

I've GOT to start dressing better

I was sitting on a friend's porch who lives in a nice neighborhood. As we were talking, a young woman walked by pushing a stroller. She was wearing a cute dress, hair pulled up in a chignon held in place with chopsticks, and suede fringe boots with a cool scarf wrapped elegantly around her neck. I said something to my friend about how mom's staying at home even dress better than me. She looked at me and said, "she's the nanny".

Now I'm not saying nannies should not look good (I have been one) or SAHMs. It is just a little sad that someone like myself making a living as a graphic designer is shopping at Target, and even thinking, 'Is it okay to wear the sleepwear sweat outfit as regular clothes? It doesn't LOOK like sleepwear." Someone please help me. Sign me up for "What not to Wear", please! Only problem is that my outfits are more blah then completely unflattering or outdated which probably makes for a better show.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm on Etsy's home page!

Woohoo! Thank you so much Jared from Alburquerque (that is a hard word to spell by the way). Anyone who has not checked out it is a great site. It just keeps getting better and adding new features. Today I actually spent 3 hours adding new shirts to my site, responding to emails, and just doing shirt-related work. I feel re-energized. I've sold 5 shirts in the last 2 days, and one was to a second cousin I didn't know I had.

How cool is that? Not only is etsy a great place to find unique handmade items, but you can also connect with distant relatives.

My only concern with this great publicity is that I am completely out of size Large Cappugcinos and the company that makes that style of t-shirt is no longer making them. If anyone feels like commenting, I am trying to figure out a substitute shirt. Another color that would work. Get your Desert Wash primrose pink cappugcinos fast, once they are gone, they're gone.

More soon!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Happy belated Bastille Day

Not sure what to title this post. I have no new news about my shirts. I need to spend time working on them but I am still focusing on the design business. Last week SO much time was wasted dealing with a new client that proved to be too high maintenance for me. I wasn't feeling like there was enough confidence and trust on their side regarding my contract, which then gave me reason to evaluate them more closely as well. I realized that I have so many wonderful clients who love what I do and don't want to take time away from them dealing with someone potentially very time-consuming and demanding on the account side.

It is good because it helps me realize what my business is. Next time, I'm going to be firmer with my own policies- don't work with people you don't trust. The shame was, I really felt like I had a good rapport with one of the partners, it was the other one who killed the deal.

There is an event next weekend. Pets in the the Pearl-
I'm planning on donating two doggie shirts for their auction. once I get my act together, I also plan to consign some shirts with hopefully they will have more time to market these shirts than I do!

I have to start more sketches and branch out to other breeds, or just get some stationary packages going. However, until I get organized with my life it is just too difficult. The kids take a lot of time, and I think they need me now. If anything, this project falling through has taught me that I want a mellow, relaxed life more than more money. It's a trade off I'm willing to make right now.

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