Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm back

I don't know if anyone I know has been checking the blog, it has literally been months since I updated here.
It is not a high proirity right now and I started a blog on saybone for all pug-related things (which I also don't update).

What's new? I have trips planned each month involving airline travel so far this year already. Well, until March. That is very unusual for me. I don't like flying much. Going to Phoenix this month, Boise next month and Tennessee or Iowa in March. What? You were expecting something exotic?

I read a book called "eat the frog" and it is helping me get more done. I'd love to break the procrastination cycle this year!
There are a lot of new projects I'm doing for work, we'll finally be getting a real office. Change is in the air and I am trying to embrace it.

We had a sushi party last weekend that was really fun, except the next day soem guests had ill effects. Not from the sushi at least, probably from the George Dickel. I don't touch that stuff. Give me a pomegranate girly drink any day though.

The hardest thing for me seems to be to draw each day, I am eaking out some rough sketches but that is it. I have soeme great ideas for card designs and need to get those going!

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