Monday, February 19, 2007

pugs and kisses

I was planning to send these to everyone who has bought a pug shirt, kind of a thank you/ I love you for buying a shirt. This is a design that has not been silkscreened yet. If you want a card but not a shirt, I can arange that too. I have this design created for the less common, but just as adorable black pug. I know you black pug owners hate just having fawn pugs represented, but how can I show features on an all black dog? It is just an artistic problem, I love all colors of pugs, promise. Oh, and brindles, those are really a challenge.

By the way, I was already just a little nervous about being alone in the house. It doesn't help to have Elliot wigging out and running around with his tail all bushed out. What?! What do you see?!

I ran into an old college friend at the children's science museum yesterday. She recognized me for which I am quite happy. I'd like to think I haven't changed drastically in 15 years, and apparently am still recognizeable even way out of context. I certainly was surprised that we now both lived in Portland. We travelled to Europe together after college graduation and something happened during that trip that caused our friendship to end, I think it was mutual. But that is water under the bridge- whatever issues we had at 22 seems kind of less significant. Anyway, trying to take in something like 7 countries in 1 month was foolish and would strain any relationship.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A post a month, I'm really on a roll

Hello, anyone there? Oh well, I'm going to try to post more anyway. It didn't help that I forgot my password.
So, it has been an eventful year so far in good and bad ways. It started out with way too many sick days and stress. I've completed two of my three planned air travel trips. I'm not used to travelling anymore (note: must remember not to reach hand inside to grab purse just out of reach in security scanner thing- they don't like that).

Less than 24 hours before C and I were to go to Boise, she came down with a severe ear infection. Luckily she was able to get on antibiotics and everything was fine. I thought about our options, and one was to try to pass G off as a girl. A 4 year old girl. We might have done it too except I am afraid of being caught. All it takes is someone who notices that G is not a girl and very young-looking, or he might just tell them himself. I've been on the wrong side of airport security before (long story, might tell that someday if anyone asks) and they do not have a sense of humor. She looked very cute with her tiny rolling backpack with her baby sticking out of it. Several people mistook it for a real baby which was funny, especially when I had it shoved in my bag briefly. By the way, allow an extra 20-30 minutes when travelling with small children, they dawdle and like to stand on those moving conveyers that go slower than a walking pace. Although, I'm loving pre-boarding especially with Southwest! I may bring a kid along with me whenever I travel just so I can preboard.

C was very good on both flights. On the return flight she had to use the bathroom twice at inopportune times (sorry lady in the aisle seat) and I spilled my own drink in my lap, but hey what else can happen in 45 minutes? C told me she didn't like airplanes because they didn't have faces and didn't have mouths. Hmmm...

So, next month the whole family is going to TN but we are driving to Seattle to catch our plane. It sounds crazy but it saved many hundreds of dollars actually and makes it a direct flight so we save layover time. Although, now it seems like maybe not the best plan (kids in the car, potential traffic, hotel, parking, etc). Oh well.

I better go now since I have to wake up early and get a lot done before everyone gets back from the beach tomorrow. This is rare for me to have the house to myself. As the family drove off I contemplated my options: finally go clothes shopping alone, call some friends and see a chick flick, go get sushi, clean the entire house...

I ended up taking a 2 hour nap. Then cleaned up for a few hours. Then watched Desperate Housewives while eating my dinner- almost half a box of Berry Burst Cheerios out of the box. That last part was just like old times when I was single, except I lived in downtown Seattle and usually had some red wine and even a cigarette to go with the cereal. Those days seem so surreal now, although since a lot of my life now seems to be cleaning up my kid's poop it is just surreal in a different way.

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